Engineering/Diploma/Bsc-IT/Msc-IT Projects

Last year engineering projects created by referring IEEE papers.

Online PDF to Text Converter & Language Translator Python

Download Project Document/Synopsis Be it browsing through the seemingly endless pages of terms and conditions on an important official document or kicking back and flipping through an intriguing eBook- reading is quite an undeniable and inescapable part of our everyday lives. However, reading anything demands our complete undivided attention making it nearly impossible for us …

Online PDF to Text Converter & Language Translator Python Read More »

Online Fake Logo Detection System

Download Project Document/Synopsis Every year, brands lose a significant portion of their sales to unauthorized knock off brands and counterfeits. Moreover, since such counterfeit products are usually of an inferior quality, they also end up damaging the credibility of the brand. Many a times consumers also get cheated out of their hard-earned money as they …

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Three Level Image Password Authentication System Php

Download Project Document/Synopsis A security breach can be a threat to national confidential data or the private data of an organization or a person. The most popular kind of password used for security purposes is text-based. However, these passwords can be easily breached and one may lose his/her private data to the wrong hands. With …

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Students Grievance Redressal Cell Python

Download Project Document/Synopsis Student satisfaction is a major concern for any educational institute. However, many a time the students fail to express their concerns & issues or fail to reach out for proper support from the organization. Neither is there any system to address the conflicts or issues faced by the students. This eventually leads …

Students Grievance Redressal Cell Python Read More »