Engineering/Diploma/Bsc-IT/Msc-IT Projects

Last year engineering projects created by referring IEEE papers.

Flutter based Interview Preparation App

Download Project Document/Synopsis The task of interview preparation is difficult and demands a lot of commitment and effort. However, a smartphone can greatly aid in interview preparation and success. In addition to assisting in properly preparing for interviews, using our Interview Preparation Application will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of this learning process. This application …

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Digital Fare Meter App for Drivers Based on Flutter

Download Project Document/Synopsis The most popular basic necessity for daily life is cab service. It can be difficult to find a cab or auto driver who is asking for a fair fare. Many journeys come to an end after discussion and misunderstanding between the driver and other passengers. The Digital Fare Meter is driven by …

Digital Fare Meter App for Drivers Based on Flutter Read More »

Flutter Based Barter Trading System App

Download Project Document/Synopsis Trading one good or service for another without using a means of exchange like money is known as bartering. There are many ways that a bartering economy is different from a monetary economy. The main distinction is that the exchange of goods or services happens right away and is reciprocal, meaning it’s …

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Money Management App for Expense Planning Based on Flutter

Download Project Document/Synopsis Technological advancements, particularly in mobile technology, have been increasing in the modern era. As a result, as the number of mobile users grows, so will the number of mobile applications available to users. Since November 2016, mobile devices have generated 48.19% more network traffic than desktops or laptops (47 per cent). A …

Money Management App for Expense Planning Based on Flutter Read More »

Predicting House Price Using Decision Tree

Download Project Document/Synopsis Data mining is the process of investigating hidden patterns of information from various perspectives for categorization into useful data, which is collected and assembled in specific areas such as data warehouses, efficient analysis, data mining algorithms, assisting decision making, and other data requirements, ultimately cost-cutting and revenue generation. The decision tree is …

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