Engineering/Diploma/Bsc-IT/Msc-IT Projects

Last year engineering projects created by referring IEEE papers.

Child Vaccination Management System using Python

Download Project Document/Synopsis Young children are at increased risk for infectious diseases because their immune systems have not yet built up the necessary defences to fight serious infections and diseases. Making sure that children have access to proper healthcare and immunization against diseases that can be prevented by vaccines, is a huge challenge that is …

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Chatbot Assistant System using Python

Download Project Document/Synopsis The recent decade has witnessed a significant boom in Technology. Technology has become more user-friendly and accessible over the years. This improvement in accessibility has led to dramatic growth in the number of users. Providing individual technical support to each and every customer could often prove to be hectic and tedious. This …

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Signature verification System using Python

Download Project Document/Synopsis Every person has a unique signature that is used primarily for personal identification and verification of important documents or legal transactions. Mostly used to authenticate checks, draughts, certificates, approvals, letters, and other legal documents. Because a signature is used in such critical activities, verification of its authenticity is essential. This type of …

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Sign Language Recognition Using Python

Download Project Document/Synopsis The desire for a computer-based solution is significant in this age of technology for deaf people. However, researchers have been working on the problem for quite some time, and the results are promising. Although interesting technologies for voice recognition are becoming available, there is currently no commercial solution for sign recognition on …

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Car Lane Detection Using NumPy OpenCV Python

Download Project Document/Synopsis Automobiles have become one of the transportation tools for people to travel as society has rapidly developed. There are an increasing number of vehicles of various types on the narrow road. Every year, as more vehicles hit the road, the number of people killed in car accidents rises. The focus of attention …

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